If you know us, you know that just deciding to pack up and leave everything we know isn’t exactly in our comfort zone. But when God calls, you act!! Ever had one of those moments where everyone else thought you were crazy for doing something so out of the ordinary, but God gave you such a peace about it, so you knew you had to do it? That’s what saying “yes” to this calling was like for us.
The world’s standards have a way of laying out your whole life’s timeline before you even have a chance to decide for yourself what you want to do. We are led to believe that after high school you’re supposed to go to college, then find the love of your life, get married, find that great career, start a family, buy that house with the white picket fence, and just continue on living the American dream.
But, as believers, that isn’t what God has called us to do. The word that keeps coming to mind is comfortable. It’s comfortable to keep that well paying job. It’s comfortable to live around your family and friends. It’s comfortable to save up for retirement. It’s comfortable to stay where you are at. There is nothing wrong at all with any of those things, but what about when God calls you to do something more? Do you just say, “Sorry God, I already have all my plans figured out and there’s just no room for change.” Well, that would certainly be the easiest and most comfortable answer, but I don’t think that’s what we are supposed to do.
Over the last several months, Halton and I have had several conversations about what would be next in our lives. Back in April, we knew that our apartment lease would be expiring at the end of June and we couldn’t continue to live there because we had Hudson. So we started praying and trying to figure out what our next step should be. We looked around at various apartments, but nothing fit what we needed. The thought of buying a house crossed our minds, but nothing ever felt right. So instead of deciding to just rush into a decision and take that next step, we decided to move in with my mom for the time being, until God showed us what to do next. Little did we know, an answer would be coming less than a month later.
For the last three years, Halton has attended a songwriting intensive camp, as an intern, called The Emerging Sound which is hosted by People & Songs, and I have taken photos of the camp for the last two years. The Emerging Sound camp was founded by Jennie Lee Riddle (author of “Revelation Song”), and the purpose is to build up the next generation of songwriters for the church. Let me just tell you, the songs that are written at this camp have a true anointing and God is doing great things within this camp. When we were at camp this past July, Halton and I were praying together one night, seeking the Lord’s will for us and literally asking Him to show us what our next step should be. In that very moment of whispering those words, Jennie walked up to us and said “We love you guys. What would y’all think about coming to live with us and do life in Indiana with us?” I know our faces had complete shock on them when she asked because we had no clue God would be giving us an answer so quickly and we had no clue this is where He would take us. After just about 15 minutes of Halton and I discussing the opportunity, we knew we had to be obedient and say yes to God. It definitely didn’t start as an easy decision, as we had to think about leaving jobs we love, leaving all of our family, and traveling to a new place, but as the minutes passed by, God continued to give us an unmistakable peace and assurance that He would be right there walking with us through every step.
Now here we are just a couple days away from taking the biggest step of faith and we couldn’t be more excited. We will greatly miss all of our Dallas friends and family, but we are so ready for this next stage of life God is calling us into. Our goal is to keep up with this blog so you can walk alongside us and see all the many ways God works. May our lives be a testimony of God’s grace and faithfulness as we seek to give Him alone all of the glory.
Our challenge for you this week: Be Kingdom minded in all that you do, and look at the areas of your life God is calling you to get out of your comfort zone, act, and be obedient!!
“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” -Matthew 6:10
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